Monday, May 11, 2009

Week of 05/03/09 - Publix Wrap Up

Again, Publix is my mid-week sale start, so it's hard to know which week to include here, but I'm going by calendar week for the wrap up... regardless of which week's sale it came from. Publix... you have great deals, but you mess up my planning! ;)

Here's the scoop....

4 - Finish Dish Detergent (just when I thought I got the cheapest... Kroger is even LESS this week... oh well)
2 - Glad Garbage Bags
1 - Jello Pudding
2 - Tyson Fajita Kits
2 - Keebler Oatmeal Cookies
3 - Post Trail Mix Crunch (FREE - 2 for charity)
3 - Contessa Frozen Meals
3 - Digiorno Pizzas
1 - Can of Tuna
1 - 1/2 pint blueberries

Total OOP = $47.47

Savings $87.02 65%

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